Understanding How Wrist Fractures and Wrist Sprains Occur

Wrist Sprains

Wrist injuries, such as fractures and sprains, are frequently encountered by many individuals and can substantially affect daily activities and functionality. Due to this, understanding the causes of these injuries is essential to prevent and manage them properly.

Discover the factors that play a role in the occurrence of wrist fractures and sprains.

Wrist Fracture:

A wrist fracture is a break in one or more bones in the wrist. These fractures often happen due to sudden impacts or excessive force applied to the wrist area. Here’s how they occur:

  1. Traumatic Impact: Wrist fractures often result from direct trauma or force applied to the wrist area. It can happen during falls onto an outstretched hand, sports-related accidents, or vehicular collisions. The sudden and forceful impact can cause the bones in the wrist to break or fracture, leading to varying degrees of injury depending on the contact severity.
  2. Repetitive Stress: Repetitive stress on the wrist, including redundant motion tasks or activities involving constant pressure on the wrist joint, can gradually weaken the bones and raise the risk of fractures over time. Occupations or hobbies that require frequent wrist movements without adequate rest or ergonomic support can contribute to the development of stress fractures in the wrist.
  3. Osteoporosis: Osteoporosis, characterised by low bone density and heightened fragility, predisposes individuals to fractures, including those in the wrist. Weakened bones due to osteoporosis are more susceptible to fractures from minor trauma or falls, making individuals with this condition particularly vulnerable to wrist fractures, even with relatively mild impact.
  4. Sports Injuries: Participating in sports activities, especially those involving high-impact movements or contact sports, can boost the risk of wrist fractures. Sports such as football, basketball, and skiing may expose athletes to situations where falls or collisions occur, resulting in wrist injuries. Improper technique, lack of protective gear, and sudden twists or impacts can contribute to the occurrence of fractures during sports-related incidents.
  5. Age-related Changes: As individuals age, the risk of wrist fractures may rise due to age-related bone density and strength changes. Older adults are susceptible to fractures from falls due to decreased muscle mass, balance issues, and changes in the bone structure associated with ageing. Additionally, age-related conditions such as arthritis can weaken the bones and joints, further raising susceptibility to fractures in the wrist and other areas of the body.

Wrist Sprains

Wrist Sprain:

A wrist sprain occurs when the ligaments in the wrist are stretched or torn, typically due to sudden twisting or bending motions. Understanding the mechanisms behind wrist sprains can help in injury prevention:

  1. Sudden Impact or Force: Wrist sprains often occur when the ligaments connecting the bones in the wrist are stretched or torn due to sudden impact or force. It can happen during falls, sports activities, or accidents where the wrist is forcibly bent or twisted beyond its normal range of motion. The sudden stretching or tearing of ligaments results in pain, swelling, and instability in the wrist joint.
  2. Repetitive Strain: Similar to wrist fractures, repetitive strain on the wrist joint can also contribute to the development of sprains over time. Activities that involve repetitive wrist movements, such as typing on a keyboard for extended periods or performing manual labour tasks, can strain the ligaments and soft tissues surrounding the wrist, leading to inflammation and sprain injuries.
  3. Poor Ergonomics: Working or performing tasks in environments with poor ergonomic design can raise the risk of wrist sprains. Improper workstation setup, inadequate support for the wrists during activities, and incorrect body mechanics can put unnecessary strain on the wrist joints and ligaments, predisposing individuals to sprain injuries over time.
  4. Lack of Warm-up or Stretching: Engaging in physical activities or sports without proper warm-up exercises or stretching routines can heighten the risk of wrist sprains. Insufficient preparation before strenuous activities can leave the muscles and ligaments cold and less flexible, making them susceptible to injury during sudden movements or impacts.
  5. Overexertion or Fatigue: Overexertion of the wrist joint, either through excessive force or prolonged use without adequate rest, can heighten the likelihood of sprain injuries. Continued strain on the wrist without sufficient recovery time can lead to fatigue in the supporting muscles and ligaments, compromising their ability to stabilise the joint and raising vulnerability to sprains.


Wrist fractures and wrist sprains can arise from a multitude of factors, encompassing traumatic impact, repetitive stress, age-related alterations, sports-related injuries, inadequate ergonomics, insufficient warm-up/stretching, and excessive exertion. Grasping these elements is necessary to establish preventive measures and advocate for the well-being and safety of the wrist during everyday tasks and leisurely endeavours.

Visit Advanced Hand, Wrist & Nerve Centre and don’t let wrist injuries hold you back from living life to the fullest.