Improve Your Health with Effective Migraine Treatments in Rockville, Maryland

Did you know that migraines are among the major causes of disability in the world today? It’s a neurological disease with severe neurological symptoms. Research shows that many individuals suffer from migraines with the women leading in numbers. The condition affects the patient’s life immensely, lowering productivity and life quality. Appropriate and immediate medication may offer effective treatments. Do you or your loved ones suffer from migraines? How do you manage the condition? Well, Doctors First has hope for you. They offer comprehensive and effective care to determine the cause of your migraines and develop customized treatments. The Rockville migraines specialists are committed to providing pain-relieving services to improve your life quality and health in general. Call or book online for an appointment to learn more.

What is a migraine?

A migraine is more than a headache. It’s a severe pain running from your head to toe. It’s very painful that it affects your every move. A migraine disrupts your daily life activities and affects your life quality as well. Migraines can cause nausea, vomiting, and an overall ill feeling, hence referred to as sick headaches. They appear abruptly and may last three to four days. There isn’t a known cause for migraines, but they may be triggered by factors such as stress, alcohol, allergies, hormonal fluctuations, food additives, strong fragrances, and sleep deprivation.

How to Know Whether You Have a Migraine

Migraines are not like any other kind of headache, they fit in their own group. A migraine can be gone within a few hours or can stay for many days. A migraine occurs through four phases, including:


These are signs you may experience before the migraine to alert you that something is not okay. They include diarrhea, stiff neck, intense food cravings, or constipation.


During this phase, you may experience dizziness, weak muscles, slurred speech, blurry vision, and problems with fine motor skills.


Headache is the third stage of a migraine. It is incredibly severe and intense. Signs include a one-sided headache, sensitivity to noise and lights, and eye or sinus pain.


Postdrome is the last phase of a migraine. At this stage, the migraine has stopped. You might have difficulty concentrating and unable to hold a conversation.

Migraine Treatments

The highly skilled team at Doctors First strives to ensure they offer effective diagnosis and treatment to meet their patients’ needs. They understand that every patient is different, hence they provide personalized treatment plans to meet every patient’s unique needs. Migraine treatments are preventative or pain-relieving. The board-certified physicians offer drug prescriptions to help relieve your pain and improve your health. The caring team at Doctors First provides emergency care to cater to patients suffering from sudden migraines and help prevent severe complications. They ensure they will find a solution for you.

Doctors First health practice is committed to providing quality and effective care to patients of all ages to promote health and save lives. With its locations in Maryland, it excels in serving the surrounding communities with efficient primary care. The Doctors First team uses advanced and the latest technology to provide accurate and comprehensive diagnosis and treatment for migraines to relieve pain and restore health. Bring an end to your migraine suffering today. Visit Doctors First for the care you deserve.